Do you want to help create peace in our world?
Of course you do, so please mark your calendars to participate in
The 33rd Annual Observance of the
International Hour For Peace
Monday, December 31st, 2018, 5:00 to 6:15 A.M.
(That's Noon Greenwich Mean Time and for us, really, really early Monday morning!)
Join millions of people all over the planet for the Peacemakers’ Super Bowl!
Create Inner Peace and World Peace for 2019!
All peacemakers and all paths to peace, sacred and secular, are welcome and honored!
Help commemorate:
“When will our conscience grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery, rather than
avenge it?”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Community events include the John Randolph Price World Healing Meditation,
along with music, prayers, speakers, and information from
a wide variety of local faith, humanitarian, and peace groups.
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Fort Collins Main Event Unity Church of Fort Collins 1401 West Vine Drive (First stoplight West of Shields, South Side of Vine) 970-482-1620 Other Northern Colorado Events In your home or community! |
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Also known as World Healing Day and World Peace Day, the Hour For Peace is a global effort launched in 1986 by John Randolph Price and the Quartus Foundation to offer people all over the world an opportunity to gather together for peace, love, understanding, and forgiveness through a simultaneous global mind–link at noon Greenwich Mean Time on December 31st of each year. Based on the Quantum Physics principle that thought can direct energy and thus create reality, the event is designed to synchronistically join millions of minds around the world in prayer, meditation, music, art, dance, poetry, readings, dialogue, and other ways to focus on and manifest lasting peace on Earth.
In Northern Colorado, our goal is for people to not only gather to pray for and focus on World Peace and Inner Peace during that sacred hour, but also to connect with other peacemakers and get ideas and resources to create and practice peace all year long.
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God.” Matthew 5:9
2018 Theme
“Peace Around the World”
The International Hour For Peace has been an integral part of Fort Collins New Years celebrations every one of the 33 years since its inception in 1986. The 2018 program will focus on “Peace Around the World” and commemorate the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day (November 11th, 1918), the 70th Anniversary of the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Universal Human Rights, and the 40th Anniversary of the 1978 United Nations Declaration that Peace is a Universal Human Right. Remember, our Universal Human Rights were endowed to us “in the beginning” by our Creator. Unfortunately, it took humanity thousands of years to realize and declare it. And 70 years later, we’re still catching up!
In addition, the Northern Colorado Observances of the Hour For Peace will be dedicated to Fort Collins Peacemaker Rev. Robert Geller who found Eternal Peace September 23rd of this year at the age of 97. Founder of the Geller Center, the CSU Campus Ministry named after him, he was very active in peacemaking, humanitarian, and interfaith activities in Fort Collins for over 70 years. Click here for his obituary.
The program will include a Hindu Kirtan by Dhara Rose, presentations by the Fort Collins Quakers, the United Nations Association NoCo, and Lakota Elder and Holy Woman Christinia Eala, along with peace poetry by the Chaplain of our local chapter of Veterans For Peace. There will be peace music by the “Unitics”, and Native American flute and drumming by Bill Grindle, as well as prayers, speakers, and information from other local peace, humanitarian, and spiritual organizations.
The Multi–faith altar will include symbols of many different faiths including Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Sufism, Native American Spirituality, Religious Science, Catholicism, Bahá'i, Eckankar, Krishna Consciousness, Unity, Unitarian Universalist, and some that are difficult to label.
The event will have coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate available, handicap accessibility, plus a special area for parents with babies and/or young children. The information tables will have flyers, pamphlets, etc. about local peace, faith, and humanitarian organizations, events and activities so you can connect with other peacemakers and peace organizations to practice peace all year long!
And that’s not all …
Our paradigm enables us to have numerous observations of the International Hour For Peace all over the area and share the non–profit covering, website, theme, logo, artwork, posters, publicity, or whatever resources the individual community needs. Whether it’s a large formal program, a simple quiet meditation, or just “two or more gathered” in someone’s home, together we’ll heal the traumas from 2018, as well as create peace for 2019.
If you're interested in participating in this year's Hour For Peace in any way … by hosting or helping with an event in your home, church or community, please contact the coordinator Victoria Gardner, 970-663-9001, cell 970-227-1539, No contribution is too great or too small!
We need volunteers with four wheel drive vehicles to pick up folks. One of the challenges of attending the Hour For Peace is starting a cold car at 3:30 a.m. and driving on snow-packed/icy roads, and many people don’t have the proper vehicle or the health to do so. However, they would attend if someone picked them up. So please consider being an “Hour For Peace Uber Driver” on December 31st and volunteer to pick up folks in your area. We also need someone to connect people who need rides with drivers. Contact if you can help.
Participation in the December 31st International Hour for Peace is a way for area residents to join millions of people all over our planet at Noon Greenwich Mean Time for prayer, meditation, music, readings, dialogue, etc. focusing on world peace and inner peace for the coming year. When many minds join together with the intention of creating peace in the hearts of all people on earth, world peace happens! As Margaret Mead stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
A correspondent from Italy wrote, “This is our ‘Super Bowl’, and we plan for the December 31st event just as families and friends in your country anticipate coming together in their homes to watch that media event in January. The victory we see, however, is not one–sided. The prize is peace for all people.”
Most Northern Colorado events will have coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate available, handicap accessibility, plus special areas for parents with babies and/or young children. The information tables will have flyers, pamphlets, etc. about local peace, faith, and humanitarian organizations, events and activities. Our goal is for people to not only gather to pray for and focus on World Peace and Inner Peace during that sacred hour, but also to connect with other peacemakers and peace organizations … to come away with ideas and resources to create and practice peace all year long!
Please continue the conversation and camaraderie at our Sponsoring Restaurants.
• The Rainbow, 212 W. Laurel, Fort Collins, 970-221-2664, open
6:30 a.m.;
• FoCo Café, 225 Maple Street, Fort Collins, 309-368-1659, open
11 a.m. — 2 p.m.;
• Avogadro's Number, 605 S. Mason, Fort Collins, 970-493-5555, open
7:00 a.m.;
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Blessed Mother Teresa
The umbrella organization of the Hour For Peace NoCo is the International Association for New Science, a Wellington non–profit corporation (501C3 #84-1152107) dedicated to research and education in both traditional and non–traditional fields of science. Headed by longtime peacemaker Bob Siblerud, IANS brings together scientists, professionals and lay people. New Science includes topics and phenomena which cannot be explained by traditional science, such as the power of prayer and consciousness, yet have the potential for significant benefit to the health of humanity and planet earth.
The Northern Colorado observances of the 2018 International Hour For Peace are sponsored and supported by a wide variety of community organizations, both sacred and secular. Corporate/business sponsorship is $200 and completely tax deductible. For nonprofits, sponsorship involves donating $100 or more in money, goods, services, or any combination thereof. To be a supporter … all peaceful and loving contributions are appreciated!
Please make checks to “Hour For Peace,” 501C3 #84-1152107, and send to Hour For Peace, 2051 Gray Peak Drive, #101, Loveland, Colorado 80538. For more details about sponsorship, please download the Sponsor Letter … (Sponsor Letter)
Not In Our Town Alliance
Participating individuals and organizations include:
“There will be no peace among the nations without peace among the religions.
There will be no peace among the religions without dialogue among the religions.”
~ Hans Küng
On Facebook: International Hour For Peace, Northern Colorado
International Hour For Peace
Global Website —
John Randolph Price World Healing
Meditation —
Locations of events all over the world —
History of the Hour For Peace —
Ways To Practice Peace —
Prayers For Peace From Many Faiths —
Peace in Many Languages —
Paul K. Chappell’s work on “Waged Peace” and “The Road to Peace” Book Series —,,
Peace Literacy Study Group: 4th Sunday of each month, 6 pm, at the Quaker Meeting House, 2222 West Vine Drive, Fort Collins. For details, contact Paul Gessler, [email protected].
Meetup Group:–of–Northern–Colorado. Peacemakers of Northern Colorado is for people who seek to practice and create peace in their own lives and in the world. We support events throughout the year that promote peace, interfaith cooperation, and intercultural understanding, often collaborating with other peace, faith and humanitarian organizations. Our focal event is the December 31st International Hour For Peace observed all over the planet at noon Greenwich time, which is 5:00 a.m. Mountain Time.
If you feel inspired to participate in any of our Northern Colorado events in any way, please contact the regional coordinator, Dr. Victoria Gardner at, 970-663-9001. No contributions are too great or too small!
Peace Doves Around the World
(2018 Flyer)
Please print, forward, and/or distribute as you are able!
Mark your calendars for the 33rd Annual Fort Collins Observance of the International Hour For Peace, Monday, December 31st, 5:00-6:15 am. Join area residents and millions of people all over the globe at Noon Greenwich Mean Time for the Peacemakers’ Super Bowl to create world peace and inner peace for 2019. All peacemakers and all paths to peace, both sacred and secular, are honored and welcome!
Northern Colorado observances of the Hour For Peace are dedicated to Bob Geller, longtime Fort Collins Peacemaker who found Eternal Peace this year. The Fort Collins main event will be at Unity Church, 1401 West Vine Drive. Programs will include the John Randolph Price World Healing Meditation along with music, prayers, speakers, information, and resources from a variety of local faith, peace and humanitarian groups.
For more information and other locations, visit or contact Regional Coordinator Dr. Vickie, (970) 663–9001, cell (970) 227–1539, We need volunteers and sponsors!
33rd Annual International Hour For Peace, Monday, Dec. 31, 2018, 5:00-6:15 a.m. in Fort Collins. Join people all over the globe at Noon Greenwich Time for the Peacemakers’ Super Bowl that includes meditation, prayer, music, speakers, and resources focusing on world peace and inner peace for 2019. For more info, visit or contact Dr. Vickie,, (970) 663–9001.