Do you want to help create peace in our world?
Of course you do, so please mark your calendars to participate in
The 34th Annual Observance of the
International Hour For Peace
Tuesday, December 31st, 2019, 5:00 to 6:15 A.M.
(That's Noon Greenwich Mean Time and for us, really, really early Tuesday morning!)
Join millions of people all over the planet for the Peacemakers’ Super Bowl!
Create Inner Peace and World Peace for 2020!
All peacemakers and all paths to peace, sacred and secular, are welcome and honored!
Community events include the John Randolph Price World Healing Meditation,
along with music, prayers, speakers, and information from
a wide variety of local faith, humanitarian, environmental and peace groups.
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Fort Collins Main Event Trinity Lutheran Church 301 East Stuart Street Fort Collins, CO 80525 970-482-1226 Other Northern Colorado Events In your home or community! |
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Also known as World Healing Day and World Peace Day, the Hour For Peace is a global effort launched in 1986 by John Randolph Price and the Quartus Foundation to offer people all over the world an opportunity to gather together for peace, love, understanding, and forgiveness through a simultaneous global mind–link at noon Greenwich Mean Time on December 31st of each year. Based on the Quantum Physics principle that thought can direct energy and thus create reality, the event is designed to synchronistically join millions of minds around the world in prayer, meditation, music, art, dance, poetry, readings, dialogue, and other ways to focus on and manifest lasting peace on Earth.
In Northern Colorado, our goal is for people to not only gather to pray for and focus on World Peace and Inner Peace during that sacred hour, but also to connect with other peacemakers and get ideas and resources to create and practice peace all year long.
2019 Theme
Climate Action For Peace
Promoting environmental responsibility as a way to create and protect world peace
The 2019 events in Northern Colorado are continuing the theme of the United Nations International Day of Peace and the Fort Collins Peace Festival “Climate Action For Peace” in order to support the UN’s efforts to “draw attention to the importance of combating climate change as a way to protect and promote peace throughout the world.”
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13 is a call for immediate action by all countries to lower greenhouse emissions, move towards greener and more resilient economies, and improve education on climate change.
Climate change causes clear threats to international peace and security. Natural disasters displace three times as many people as conflicts, forcing millions to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere. The salinization of water and crops is endangering food security, and the impact on public health is escalating. The growing tensions over resources and mass movements of people are affecting every country on every continent.
Peace can only be achieved if concrete action is taken to combat climate change. Speaking to young Māoris and people of the Pacific islands in New Zealand in May, UN Secretary–General António Guterres said “nature does not negotiate” and emphasized four key measures that Governments should prioritize in order to reach carbon neutrality by 2050: tax pollution, not people; stop subsidizing fossil fuels; stop building new coal plants by 2020; focus on a green economy, not a grey economy.
In the lead up to the International Day of Peace on September 21st, the United Nations called upon all to take action to tackle climate change. Every human is part of the solution — from turning off the lights to taking public transport, to organizing an awareness raising campaign in your community.
Start by understanding your own carbon footprint, what lifestyle choices impact the carbon emissions created on your behalf? Can you make one small change to decrease that footprint? Can you support products or companies who are actively making changes in their production or distribution practices on behalf of climate change? Can you support organizations that have Climate Action and Environmental Responsibility programs?
On September 23, 2019, the United Nations convened a Climate Action Summit with concrete and realistic plans to accelerate action to implement the Paris Agreement. The Summit focused on the heart of the problem — the sectors that create the most emissions and the areas where building resilience could make the biggest difference — as well as provided leaders and partners the opportunity to demonstrate real climate action.
“It is possible to achieve our goals, but we need decisions, political
will and transformational policies
to allow us to still live in peace with our own climate.”
UN Secretary–General António Guterres, May 15, 2019 “Climate Action for Peace”
The International Hour For Peace has been an integral part of Fort Collins New Years celebrations every one of the 34 years since its inception in 1986. The 2019 events in Northern Colorado are proud to continue the theme of the United Nations International Day of Peace. 2019 is also the 20th Anniversary of the UN Resolution on the “Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace” adopted 13 September 1999.
Our host, Trinity Lutheran Church, has a very strong Climate Action and Environmental Responsibility program that will be a focal point of this year’s event. Their motto is “Climate Change: Simple, Serious, Solvable, & Spiritual”. Their Social and Eco Justice Ministry focuses on two interrelated missions, “caring for our neighbors and caring for the earth. Having clean water and air and sustainably using the land has a direct correlation to meeting the basic needs for people living in poverty as well as the well-being of all humankind. Throughout the year, we organize events to raise awareness of problems caused by poverty and environmental conflicts and how we as a congregation can help by giving our time and dollars.”
In addition to our usual peace songs, we’ll be singing this one written by Deb Stucklen, a peace activist and member of the Fort Collins Quakers or “Religious Society of Friends”.
Walk Soft On Mother Earth
Sung to “God Bless America”
Walk soft on Mother Earth. Great Spirit guide us
Over Mountains, through deserts to the Waters that give us our lives.
She’s our Mother, so respect her. And protect her, Sacred Stone.
Walk soft on Mother Earth, our only home.
Walk soft on Mother Earth, our only home.
Lakota Tribal Elder and “Water Protector” Christinia Eala will share her experiences peacefully protesting at DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) and how following the practices and philosophies of Native Americans can protect our water, air, land, and endangered animals.
A representative of “Tesla Academy” will speak on how the technology and philosophy of Nikola Tesla can promote climate action, environmental responsibility, and world peace.
The Multi–faith altar will include symbols of many different faiths including Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Sufism, Native American Spirituality, Religious Science, Catholicism, Bahá'i, Eckankar, Krishna Consciousness, Unity, Unitarian Universalist, and some that are difficult to label.
The event will have coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate available, handicap accessibility, plus a special area for parents with babies and/or young children. The information tables will have flyers, pamphlets, etc. about local peace, faith, environmental and humanitarian organizations, events and activities so you can connect with other peacemakers and peace organizations to practice peace all year long!
And that’s not all …
Our paradigm enables us to have numerous observations of the International Hour For Peace all over the area and share the non–profit covering, website, theme, logo, artwork, posters, publicity, or whatever resources the individual community needs. Whether it’s a large formal program, a simple quiet meditation, or just “two or more gathered” in someone’s home, together we’ll heal our planet and create peace for 2020.
If you're interested in participating in this year's Hour For Peace in any way … by hosting or helping with an event in your home, church or community, please contact the coordinator Victoria Gardner, 970–227–1539, No contribution is too great or too small!
We need volunteers with four wheel drive vehicles to pick up folks. One of the challenges of attending the Hour For Peace is starting a cold car at 3:30 a.m. and driving on snow–packed/icy roads, and many people don’t have the proper vehicle or the health to do so. However, they would attend if someone picked them up. So please consider being an “Hour For Peace Uber Driver” on December 31st and volunteer to pick up folks in your area. We also need someone to connect people who need rides with drivers. Contact if you can help.
Participation in the December 31st International Hour for Peace is a way for area residents to join millions of people all over our planet at Noon Greenwich Mean Time for prayer, meditation, music, readings, dialogue, etc. focusing on world peace and inner peace for the coming year. When many minds join together with the intention of creating peace in the hearts of all people on earth, world peace happens! As Margaret Mead stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
A correspondent from Italy wrote, “This is our ‘Super Bowl’, and we plan for the December 31st event just as families and friends in your country anticipate coming together in their homes to watch that media event in January. The victory we see, however, is not one–sided. The prize is peace for all people.”
Most Northern Colorado events will have coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate available, handicap accessibility, plus special areas for parents with babies and/or young children. The information tables will have flyers, pamphlets, etc. about local peace, faith, and humanitarian organizations, events and activities. Our goal is for people to not only gather to pray for and focus on World Peace and Inner Peace during that sacred hour, but also to connect with other peacemakers and peace organizations … to come away with ideas and resources to create and practice peace all year long!
Please continue the conversation and camaraderie at our Sponsoring Restaurants.
• The Rainbow, 212 W. Laurel, Fort Collins, 970-221-2664, open
6:30 a.m.;
• FoCo Café, 225 Maple Street, Fort Collins, 309-368-1659, open
11 a.m. — 2 p.m.;
• Avogadro's Number, 605 S. Mason, Fort Collins, 970-493-5555, open
7:00 a.m.;
The umbrella organization of the Hour For Peace NoCo is the International Association for New Science, a Wellington non–profit corporation (501C3 #84–1152107) dedicated to research and education in both traditional and non–traditional fields of science. Headed by longtime peacemaker Bob Siblerud, IANS brings together scientists, professionals and lay people. New Science includes topics and phenomena which cannot be explained by traditional science, such as the power of prayer and consciousness, yet have the potential for significant benefit to the health of humanity and planet earth.
The Northern Colorado observances of the 2019 International Hour For Peace are sponsored and supported by a wide variety of community organizations, both sacred and secular. Corporate/business sponsorship is $200 and completely tax deductible. For nonprofits, sponsorship involves donating $100 or more in money, goods, services, or any combination thereof. To be a supporter … all peaceful and loving contributions are appreciated!
Please make checks to “Hour For Peace,” 501C3 #84–1152107, and send to Hour For Peace, 2051 Gray Peak Drive, #101, Loveland, Colorado 80538. For more details about sponsorship, please download the Sponsor Letter … (Sponsor Letter)
Not In Our Town Alliance
Participating individuals and organizations include:
“There will be no peace among the nations without peace among the religions.
There will be no peace among the religions without dialogue among the religions.”
~ Hans Küng
Interpreting the Names of Various Religious Groups
Courtesy of Mike Shreve
Even the names of various religions have interpreted meanings
that strike a harmonious chord within the heart of every spiritual person:
A Buddhist is one who seeks “enlightenment.”
A Christian is one who seeks “Christ-likeness.”
An ECKANKAR devotee is one who seeks to be “a co-worker with God.”
A Jainist is one who seeks to “conquer” attachment to this world.
A Jew is one who seeks to be a source of “praise to God.”
A Kabbalist is one who seeks to “receive” an experience of the Divine
(through the practice and contemplation of the Torah).
A Muslim is one who seeks “submission” to God and to the truth.
A Sikh is one who seeks to be a “disciple,” a “follower” of God or a “learner.”
A Sufi is one who seeks “purity” and “mystical insight.”
A Taoist is one who seeks to live in “the Way.”
A Theosophist is one who seeks “divine wisdom.”
A Yoga devotee is one who seeks to be “yoked with God.”
Without controversy, the interpreted meanings of the names of
these religious groups are descriptive of characteristics that
should mark any sincere seeker of truth.
In making these observations, we are once again confronted with
the inevitable thought. Could it be that we have discovered a
common vein of gold running through all these worldviews?
Even those who are quite zealous about the exclusive claims of
their own religion must admit these similarities and
commonalities exist. Is it possible that at least some “True Light”
radiates from every one of them? Discover awesome insights on
this relevant issue by going to Various Articles and FAQ on
“In Search of the True Light” ©2002 by Mike Shreve.
All articles unless otherwise noted are copyright by Mike Shreve.
All Rights Reserved.
From Dr. Claude Swanson's new book “Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift”; [email protected]
In the West every day we see images of violence and war. War has never solved problems for very long. The defeat of Germany in World War I led to resentment and poverty and eventually to the rise of Hitler and World War II. The wisest teachers have taught a very different lesson.
Jesus said: “…if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-41. Jesus taught that violence solves nothing. It only creates more violence. It hurts and angers the victim who vows and plots his revenge. Jesus realized and taught the great lesson that the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend Jesus taught that the only way to end violence is to: “…Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…” (Matthew 5:44)
The alternative is to create more and more people around the world who hate us and plan and live for our demise. With the increasing power of modern weapons, nuclear, biological, and chemical, even a weak enemy can cause death and suffering on a massive scale. And we know from experience that this only leads to retaliation and escalation. It will only stop when one of two things happens.
(1) Either we destroy ourselves in a global conflict, which has been predicted by many, or
(2) We escape this fate by trying something new: forgive and send love to our enemies, and pray for peace and healing everywhere.
It is up to us to begin the forgiveness process, to love, to send prayers daily around the world to ease the anger and fear, to forgive the violence, to pray for a growing peace. Let the fires of hatred and fear and revenge burn down, let the embers cool. Remember that each of us possesses an immortal soul and is here to learn. Let us follow the teachings of the great Masters of all ages, sowing love and kindness and generosity, and extending it in prayer to all living souls around the world.
When we look beneath the external trappings of any religion, it is remarkable how similar are the underlying beliefs. We offer two examples here. The first is the “Golden Rule,” which in Christianity is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Matthew 7:12
This same belief is taught in most of the world’s religions:
• Buddhism (Udana-Varga): Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.
• Judaism (Leviticus 19:18): You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
• Confucianism (Mencius VII.A.4): Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated
yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence.
• Hinduism (The Mahabharata): This is the sum of duty: do naught to others which if done to thee
would cause thee pain.
• Islam (Hadith): No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which
he desires for himself.
The second example is the teaching of Jesus to “turn the other cheek.” In Matthew 5:38-41, He says: “You have heard that it was
said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if anyone strikes you on
the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak
as well…” This is often considered a more unusual teaching, because it emphasizes that we should not return violence with
violence. In a world torn by terrorism and war, this lesson is too seldom heeded. Yet it is not unique to Christianity. Consider
the following quotes:
• Buddhism (Dhammapada 201): Victory breeds hatred, for the defeated live in pain. Happily live
the peaceful, giving up victory and defeat.
• Judaism (Talmud, Baba Kamma 93a): One should choose to be among the persecuted, rather than
the persecutors.
• Confucianism (Mencius IV.A.14): In wars to gain land, the dead fill the plains; in wars to gain
cities, the dead fill the cities. This is known as showing the land the way to devour human flesh. Death is too light a punishment
for such men who wage war. Hence those skilled in war should suffer the most severe punishments.
• Sikhism (Adi Granth, Shalok, Farid): Those who beat you with fists, do not pay
them with the same coin, but go to their house and kiss their feet.
• Islam (Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 32): Let there be no injury and no requital.
Such correspondences can be found for almost all religions. Therefore, as the world becomes smaller it would serve us well to look at the underlying similarities in religions, rather than the differences. These similarities are not due to coincidence. They are due to a deep intuitive knowledge on the part of religious founders. These rules seem to describe important truths about how the universe works and how we should live. The alternative, in this time of nuclear and biological warfare and a seriously damaged environment, may be our destruction. A non-violent solution is to pray for global healing and peace.
On Facebook: International Hour For Peace, Northern Colorado
International Hour For Peace
Global Website —
John Randolph Price World Healing
Meditation —
Locations of events all over the world —
History of the Hour For Peace —
Ways To Practice Peace —
Prayers For Peace From Many Faiths —
Peace in Many Languages —
Paul K. Chappell’s work on “Waged Peace” and “The Road to Peace” Book Series —,,
Peace Literacy Study Group: 4th Sunday of each month, 6 pm, at the Quaker Meeting House, 2222 West Vine Drive, Fort Collins. For details, contact Paul Gessler, [email protected].
2019 International Day of Peace at
If you feel inspired to participate in any of our Northern Colorado events in any way, please contact the regional coordinator, Dr. Victoria Gardner at, 970–227–1539. No contributions are too great or too small!
(2019 Flyer)
Please print, forward, and/or distribute as you are able!
Mark your calendars for the 34th Annual Fort Collins Observance of the International Hour For Peace, Tuesday, December 31st, 5:00–6:15 am. Join area residents and millions of people all over the globe at Noon Greenwich Mean Time for the Peacemakers’ Super Bowl to help create a healthy planet and world peace for 2020. All peacemakers and all paths to peace, both sacred and secular, are honored and welcome!
Northern Colorado events are continuing the 2019 United Nations theme “Climate Action For Peace: Promoting environmental responsibility as a way to create and protect world peace”. The Fort Collins main event will be at Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E Stuart St. Programs will include the John Randolph Price World Healing Meditation along with music, prayers, speakers, information, and resources from a variety of local faith, peace, environmental and humanitarian groups.
For more information and other locations, visit or contact Regional Coordinator Dr. Vickie, (970) 227–1539, We need volunteers and sponsors!
34th Annual International Hour For Peace, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019, 5:00–6:15 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fort Collins. Join people all over the globe at Noon Greenwich Time for the Peacemakers’ Super Bowl that includes meditation, prayer, music, speakers, and resources promoting the 2019 United Nations theme, “Climate Action For Peace”. For more info, visit or contact Dr. Vickie,, (970) 227–1539.
Climate Action For Peace
Promoting environmental responsibility as a way to create and protect world peace
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God.” Matthew 5:9